
Friday, 18 October 2013

Back to school... Autum 2013

Hi there,

There were no posts to this blog over the summer due to school holidays.  That's not to say that there wasn't anything going on in the garden.  The rest of this post outlines some of what was going on over the summer and work since school resumed.

Summer Pumpkins Project

A small group volunteered to sow some pumpkins and water them regularly.  These grew and grew and grew and grew and grew! while the rest of the school was enjoying the summer sunshine. Unfortunately quiet a few were damaged by intruders just as they reached maturity.  Luckily, some survived and these are still ripening in the school, they will be used for Halloween activities.  I'll try to get some pictures of these

Work since the return to school.

  1. Harvesting of  tomatoes and pumpkins by gardening volunteers.  
  2. Some outside beds have been weeded by students
  3. Dead plants have been removed by students
  4. All the polytunnel beds have been dug over  and weeded by students.  (Some need a top up with fresh soil/compost)
  5. Sunflower seeds have been collected from this years flowers.
  6. A general clean up of the polytunnel has taken place
  7. Six small signboards were made by garden volunteers from scrap, and painted with blackboard paint. One is fixed to each polytunnel bed.  These will be used to identify the class(es) using each bed and what is growing and/or planted there.
  8. A Local Agenda 21 Partnership Fund 2013 grant application has been submitted to  North Tipperary County Council